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Welcome to Axel Incubation Camp!

Ready to take your start-up to next level? Apply now for Axel’s start-up incubation program and get the support guidance and the resources that you need to succeed. Simply fill out the application form below and tell us more about your start-up and why you are ready to join Axel’s  vibrant community of entrepreneurs.

Fueling Innovation: The Axel Funding Initiative

Embark on your fundraising journey with confidence through the Axel Funding Initiative. Designed to empower startups and entrepreneurs, this program offers comprehensive support and guidance to navigate the complex landscape of fundraising. From crafting compelling pitch decks to connecting with potential investors, Axel provides the tools, resources, and expertise needed to secure vital funding for your venture. With personalized mentorship, strategic insights, and a vast network of industry contacts, the Axel Funding Initiative accelerates your path to success, fueling innovation and driving growth in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship.

Selection Criteria

At Axel, we're committed to supporting the most promising startups and entrepreneurs on their journey to success. To ensure that our Incubation Program is the right fit for your startup, we evaluate applicants based on the following criteria:

1. Innovation and Creativity: We're looking for startups with innovative ideas, unique solutions, and a creative approach to addressing market needs and challenges.

2. Market Potential: We assess the market potential of each startup, considering factors such as target market size, growth opportunities, and competitive landscape.

3. Team and Leadership: A strong, dedicated team is essential for startup success. We look for founders and team members who are passionate, resilient, and capable of executing on their vision.

4. Traction and Progress: While we welcome startups at various stages of development, we prioritize those that have made significant progress or achieved early traction, such as product development milestones, customer acquisition, or revenue generation.

5. Alignment with Axel's Values: We seek startups that align with Axel's values of innovation, collaboration, and social impact. We're particularly interested in ventures that have the potential to make a positive difference in their industries and communities.

6. Coachability and Growth Mindset: We value startups that are open to feedback, willing to learn, and committed to continuous improvement. We look for founders who demonstrate a growth mindset and a willingness to adapt and evolve as they navigate the startup journey.

7. Commitment to Success: Finally, we assess the commitment and dedication of each startup to achieving their goals and milestones. We're looking for founders who are driven, focused, and willing to put in the hard work required to succeed.

By evaluating startups based on these criteria, we aim to select the most promising ventures for Axel's Incubation Program and provide them with the support, resources, and guidance they need to thrive.


We will be selecting only 25 startups in 2024 and help them with everything they need from us - from the funds to product development/sales/marketing support. Once you fill the form, We will contact you through e-mail and enrol you in the camp once your company is selected.

Key features of Axel Incubation Camp:

Investment Enablement

We will onboard investors to your startup company.

White papers & research

We will do research & development 


You will be mentored by top entrepreneurs/investors.

Incorporation Services

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Startup Progress tracking

We will prepare reports every week to track your progress.

Advertising & Marketing

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Sales Support

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Smart Contracts & Projects

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Technical Support

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Crowdfunding & Grants

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Timeshare CXOs

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Intellectual Property Support

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